Yesterday, I performed a jazz live at the old folk house café "Kahavi" in Naguri, Hanno City.

With a typhoon approaching, I was anxious about whether the event could be held and whether customers would come. But to my surprise, we were fully booked! Despite the bad weather, so many customers came, and I am truly, truly grateful.

It was my first time visiting Kahavi, and it was a wonderful place with a calm atmosphere and a spacious interior. There seems to be a campground nearby, so if you want to feel the power of nature, I highly recommend visiting to relax.

And the biggest surprise of the day—a miraculous coincidence, in fact! It turns out that the family running Kahavi is from the same town as me, Mimata Town! Moreover, we have several mutual acquaintances, and we had a great time talking about our hometown. (Haha)

Apparently, they moved to Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture, a few years ago. I never imagined I would meet someone from Mimata Town here… It's such a special connection, so I would love to perform at this café again!

If you’re from Mimata Town or Miyakonojo and are in Hanno, definitely stop by and check it out!