The official YouTube channel operated by Iruma City Hall has released an interview video with the Honey Syrup Big Band!

In this interview, Mr. Maeda talks about the "background of starting the big band" and the "charm of the Honey Syrup Big Band," so please check it out!
Also, the content of this video is featured in the July issue of Iruma City's public relations magazine, so be sure to check that out as well!

Thanks to a request from Iruma City Cable TV, we were able to appear on the official YouTube channel, in the public relations magazine, and on Iruma City Cable TV.
This opportunity came about because of the hard work and dedication of our band members, who practice diligently every day and perform live shows.

It has been three years since we started the big band in Iruma City.
Although we have faced challenges with scheduling and staffing, we have overcome them by working together.
As a result, our band's sound has improved remarkably, and we feel that our recognition is gradually increasing.

We are still a developing team, but we will continue to strive to entertain our audience, so we ask for your continued support!!!
